Founded: 1989
Focus: HP ACER Compaq APC & Microsoft Products for Central India market
Current Customers: 10000+
Current Customer Growth rate: 30% p.a.
States Covered: Maharastra/M.P./Chattisgarh
Districts Served: 80+
Team Strength: 70+
Key Computers is the leading Corporate Dealer and the largest third party Maintenance provider in Central India for Computers and Peripherals. A decade before it is founded by Mr. Vinod Verma the proprietor and the promoter the organization reached its top of the ladder by dint of his hard work and a team of dedicated professionals.
The company started with a meager Investment in 1989 and the growth graph ascent to 650 lacs turn over of the group as of today. The company's Frontline Division dealing in National and International brands of computer systems and peripherals within the Vidharbha region. We are spread across Vidharbha and a Branch office cum Retail outlet at Raipur which takes care of the major Govt & Corporate clients in part of MP & Chhattisgarh . Frontline Division has actively promoted the penetration of PCs in the home and the SOHO segments.
However not withstanding the fact of inadequate Infrastructure to cater to the needs of Central India Key Computers ventured in to the New Millennium state-of-the Art Retail outlet under the banner of IT WORLD.IT WORLD is the trading form of (Verma Computers Systems Pvt Ltd).managing director of this company is Mr Vnod VermaHe is also the CEO of Key Computers.He is the signing authority for all commerciiallegal& fininacila trnsactions for VCSPLKey Computers & IT world. The retail outlet drawn good response from Home & SOHO segments.
The sole proprietorship Ultra modern structure is a four storied building Architect to the taste of the IT lovers with a basement as a Service Station cup repair center for Third party products of all Brands in IT.
The Swanky show room has been designed to demonstrate and display Hardware and Software items of Information Technology including LCD Multimedia Projectors.
The Ground Floor has been exclusively reserved as a Show Room of all Hewlett-Packard (HP) products namely HP Pavilion PCs and Peripherals like Desk Jets Laserjets ScanJets along with retail counter.
One part of the showroom is a ACER Point i.e. Retail Store of ACER.
The First Floor is Authorised Replacement cum service center of HP i.e. ASDP & ARC of HP Products Other part of this floor is ACC of Acer i.e. Acer Care Clinic for Laptops.
The second floor accommodates Government & Corporate Marketing team and the AMC Team along with their Manager.
Top floor is the Administration & Accounts Block.
Not added
Nagpur, Maharashtra